Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Review of Glade Holiday Candles

Hey everyone!

Sadly, there are those reviews that are not good reviews and this is one of them. Glade's holiday candles seem like a great idea. However, after burning my Apples & Cinnamon one, the rest have not burnt well. Apples & Cinnamon burnt evenly and had a wonderful smell!

The other two I have used have not done well by my standards. A candle should have a nice flame and the wax should melt fairly even. These have not done that whatsoever. Also, their scents are weak and you are not able to smell them unless you stand directly next to the candle.

Overall, I have rated these candles 1 out of 5 sugarcubes. I will not repurchase these.

Here are pictures that prove my opinions.

As compared to the Apples & Cinnamon candle.

Note: I bought these candles with my own money, and this is my honest review of them. I am not associated with any company, nor are they paying me for reviews.

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