Saturday, May 1, 2010

Too Faced Retractable Kabuki Brush with Teddy Bear Hair - Review!

Hey everyone!

This is a review on the Too Faced Retractable Kabuki Brush with Teddy Bear Hair!

This brush is extremely soft and dense. The teddy bear hairs easily pick up powder, and apply it evenly across your skin. You’re never left looking cakey!

The bristles are made from synthetic hairs (teddy bear), which means that if you’re sensitive to animal hair brushes, you will not have a problem using this one! The fact that these teddy bear hairs do not shed, makes it even better!

I always keep my brush in its box because the shiny pink case can be very susceptible to scratches.
This brush retails for $30.00

~Extremely soft
~No bristle fallout
~Dense bristles
~Applies powder evenly

~Pink case scratches easily
~A bit pricey

Overall, I rate this kabuki brush at 4 out of 5 sugarcubes! It is a great brush to have if you are one to make a fashion statement when you apply your makeup!


Note: I purchased this kabuki brush with my own money. I am not associated with the company, nor are they paying me to review their products. As always, my reviews and opinions are 100% my own!

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