Monday, June 7, 2010

~Go Nails Natural Nail Growth Treatment Review!~

Hey everyone!

This is a review on the Go Nails Natural Nail Growth Treatment!

In the past, my nails have always been petite and hard to grow, which has made it almost impossible to use nail polish without making a huge mess.

Go Nails Natural Nail Growth Treatment has accomplished wonders for my nails! They have grown longer and healthier than ever.


~After 9 days

Go Nails is a non-greasy lotion that you rub into your cuticles and nails daily. It only takes 10 seconds for the lotion to be fully absorbed. A little goes a long way with this product, which means you get more for your money! If there is any lotion left over, just rub it into your hands, and it will instantly soften them.

I love the convenient pump, because it allows for control over the amount of product dispensed. The packaging is petite and cute, and can easily be taken on the go with you!

This product retails for $25.00.

~Faster nail growth
~Stronger nails
~Light citrus sent
~Cute packaging


Overall, I rate this product at 5 out of 5 sugarcubes! This is a great product to always have, so that your nails look and feel beautiful at all times!

Follow this link to find out more about Go Nails!


Note: Go Nails sent me this product to try and review on my blog. I am not associated with the company, nor are they paying me to review their product. As always, my reviews and opinions are 100% my own!

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