Tuesday, September 14, 2010

EOS Shave Cream Review!

Hey everyone!

This is a review on the EOS Ultra Moisturizing Shave Cream in the scent Lavender Jasmine!

EOS Ultra Moisturizing Shave Cream states that it can be used either wet or dry, and guest what, it really works! It’s great to be able to use the same product for a quick dry shave, or a nice warm shower or tub shave. Either way, my legs are left super smooth, moisturized, and lightly scented with lavender and jasmine.

I also love the packaging of this product, and must applaud EOS’ attention in detail for developing this ergonomically correct bottle. It’s easy to grip wet or dry without slipping out of my hand. With its thick, high quality rubber plastic, I never have to worry about a rust ring on the bathroom counter again. Best of all, the bottle is recyclable, which means I can feel great about my smooth legs, while reducing my carbon footprint!

This product retails for $3.49!


~Light, refreshing scent


~Allows for wet or dry shave

~High quality, ergonomic packaging



Overall, I rate this product at 5 out of 5 sugarcubes! This shaving cream is perfect to take traveling, so I can always have sexy, smooth legs anytime, anywhere!



Note: EOS sent me these products to review on my blog. I am not associated with the company, nor are they paying me to review their products. As always, my reviews and opinions are 100% my own!

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