Thursday, October 28, 2010

Smashbox #1 Powder Brush Review!

Hey everyone!

This is a review on the Smashbox Cosmetics’ #1 Powder Brush.

This makeup brush is wonderful! It’s super soft and smooth, and feels as if I’m moving a powder puff along my skin.

I use it to apply my mineral foundation, bronzer, blush, and highlight. It works fantastically; because the brush gathers just the right amount of product to use on my face, without leaving a heavy cakey appearance.

I love the classy and sophisticated appearance of Smashbox’s #1 Powder brush. Whenever I use it, I feel as if I’m pampering myself! Moreover, I haven’t had a single bristle fallout from this brush!

This brush retails for $48.00, but I purchased it on sale for $24.00.

~Extremely soft bristles
~Sturdy handle
~No bristle fallout
~Classy and sophisticated appearance

~Absolutely none!

Overall, I rate the #1 Powder brush at 5 out of 5 sugarcubes! This brush is perfect to achieve flawless beauty!


Note: I purchased this product with my own money!

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