Monday, November 15, 2010

~Lady Sugarsheen's Holiday Gift Giving Guide!~

The Night Before Cyber Monday
By Lady Sugarsheen

It was the night before Cyber Monday, and all through the house, not a computer was searching, not even its mouse.

My credit cards were laid by their due dates with care, in hopes of 75% off sales and free shipping, as well.

With Lady Sugarsheen’s suggestions, I knew what to buy. She had all the great brands, on her gift giving guide.

As I dreamt off to sleep, cuddled up cozy in my nice comfy bed, Sugar Me Sweet thoughts danced in my head.

I had just settled in after a warm soothing bath, with a Bubble Cake Bar, from Moon’s Harvest. Net.

Dawn’s early day break brought the sound of squeaky truck brakes. Without a moment to spare, I flew out of bed, and went straight down the stairs.

I yelled, “out of my way, it’s the Fed Ex Man” to my little sis Kate. With the sound of a knock, I hurried my pace. 

I threw open the door, and squealed in delight, boxes and packages greeted my sight. 

In the blink of an eye, he was back in his truck; he gave a quick nod as he started it up.

When he rounded the bend, I heard him call out, “Happy Holidays to all and to all a beep beep!”

 I awoke with a start, not a second to spare, at last Cyber Monday was finally here! 

The End!

Seasons Greetings from Lady Sugarsheen of Sugar Me Sweet Fame!

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