Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sun Bum SPF 15 Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion

Hey everyone!

Whether you're heading to the beach or the pool this Spring Break, make sure you have your SPF covered! One sunscreen product that I have been loving (an will continue to love for years to come) is Sun Bum's SPF 15 Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion! This sunscreen not only smells amazing (think of bananas), it rubs straight into your skin without leaving behind a greasy residue. Talk about a huge plus in my book!

Here is what Sun Bum has to say:

This moisturizing sunscreen formula will protect your skin from harmful UVA/UBV rays, while enriching your skin with Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps to naturalize free radicals, which are the main cause of premature skin aging.


~Paraben Free - Oil Free - PABA Free

~Ultra Waterproof - Ultra Sweatproof


~Vitamin E Enriched

How to Use:

~Apply liberally 15 minutes before sun exposure.

~Reapply: After 80 minutes of swimming or sweating, Immediately after towel drying, At least every 2 hours. 

Active Ingredients:

Avobenzone 2.00%, Homosalate 5.00%, Octisalate 2.00%, Octocrylene 1.85%, Oxybenzone 3.00%

This product retails for $15.99, and can be purchased at!

What sunscreen are you going to use for your Spring Break and Summer Vacation this year?


Note: Sun Bum sent me this product to try and feature on my blog. I am not associated with the company, nor are they paying me to feature their product. As always, my reviews and opinions are 100% my own!

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  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. I'm leaving for Spring Break at the end of this month, so I'm totally grabbing this for the beach! Thanks for letting me know about this brand!

  3. I saw this at a local beach shop yesterday. Heading back today to pick it up! Thanks for the review!

  4. Hi Vanessa!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the post. This sunscreen is truly fantastic!

  5. Hi Amber!

    This sunscreen is going to be great for your Spring Break! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

  6. Hi Mari!

    You'll have to let me know what you think of it after you've tried it out!
