Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent Calendar Grab Box Day 1!

Hey everyone!

Happy December 1st! The Christmas season is in full swing now, and you know what that means... Advent Calendar Grab Box time! Want to see which gift I grabbed out first? Keep reading!

After a ton of searching I finally decided on this larger package.

Once I grabbed out the package, I contained myself long enough to snap a quick picture before ripping open the paper and discovering the cutest thing ever!

It's a Chick-fil-a Elf Cow! As you all know, I love eating at Chick-fil-a, so this was right up my alley, and he is currently sitting next to my Christmas tree in my room!

I can't wait to see what gift I choose tomorrow!


Note: My mom purchased this gift, and gave it to me.

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