Thursday, January 23, 2014

Introducing Dark Chocolate Multigrain Cheerios

Hey everyone!

Besides breakfast, I love snacking a cereals throughout the day, it settles my sweet tooth!  Recently, I received a package from Platefull Co-Op that had a box of Cheerios new Multi-Grain Dark Chocolate Crunch Cheerios in it! Talk about a very happy mail day for me!

With a touch of rich dark chocolate taste in every bite, new Dark Chocolate Multigrain Cheerios cereal offers a perfect balance of multigrain goodness and a delicious touch of chocolate taste in every bite. These new Cheerios are simply delicious, and I love the subtle, yet rich chocolate taste to them! With or without milk, these have become a favorite in my house!

 Check out these links for even more fun from Cheerios! 

~Cheerios® website - 

~Cheerios® Facebook - 

Will you be trying out these new Cheerios?


Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op

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