Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 2014 Beauty Favorites!

Hey everyone!

February has been a month of pink, glossy lips and bronzed eyes! And, I thought I would share with you some of my most used beauty products during the month. 

~Buxom Lip Gloss in the shade Candi - This gorgeous coral, pink gloss is perfect to wear alone or over a matching pink lipstick!

~NARS Lipstick in the shade Roman Holiday - My all-time favorite pink lipstick I own! It is moisturizing and never disappoints!

~Bourjois 24 Hour Cream Eye Shadow in Or Desir - Bourjois' Cream to Powder Eye Shadow makes a great base color to any eye look. A lot of times, I wear it by itself!

~MAC Mineralized Eye Shadow Duo in Until Dawn - MAC is one of my favorite higher end makeup brands, their products are normally spot on, and this duo is no exception! 


Note: I purchased the lip gloss myself, the lipstick was a gift a year or so ago from my mom, and Lauren sent me the eye products as gifts for Christmas! I am not associated with any company mentioned above, nor am I paid to feature their items. As always, my reviews and opinions are 100% my own!

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