Saturday, February 1, 2014

Month in Review - January 2014

Hey everyone!

For 2014, I decided that I was going to do a Month in Review Post that shared some of the highlights I've had for the month! So, let's get started!

For my Aunt's birthday this month, I decided to make her homemade White Chocolate Chip & Macadamia Nut Cookies! She loved them, and I now have a new recipe to add to my cookie collection!

With the bout of cold weather we've had, my mom and I decided that making chili was a must! It was delicious, and the leftover were quickly eaten!

I officially used up my last reserved Tiki Beach candle from Bath & Body Works. I love this scent, and will be repurchasing a few more small jars once they go on sale!

My room was feeling a bit empty once all the Christmas decorations were put up, so I got a bunch of fresh mini carnations! They look so pretty sitting on my desk!

Me and my family finally got around to buying some vanilla ice cream, so that we could eat the minced meat pies Lauren sent me! They were super yummy!

Those are a few highlights from my month! What are yours?


Note: All opinions are my own! I am not associated with any brand or person mentioned above.

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