Sunday, April 27, 2014


Hey everyone!

This past week, the lovely ladies from TATCHA sent me a beautiful box full of their products for my to try and review for you all! So, in order to get everyone excited about the upcoming reviews, I thought I would share all the products they sent me in a haul!

Gold Camellia Nourishing Lip Balm - This lip balm is suppose to be super nourishing on your lips, and it also has a beautiful gold flake centered on top! How fancy is that?!

Luminous Deep Hydrating Lifting Mask - Smoother more luminous skin in just minutes? Yes, please!

Indigo Soothing Silk Hand Cream - I am always on the hunt for the perfect hand cream. Have I found it?

Luminous Dewy Skin Mist - Rehydrate your skin anytime and anywhere! Sounds like a perfect travel essential to me!

Blotting Sheets - These are still my all-time favorite blotting sheets to use, and the only ones that I purchase! 

I am very excited to try all of these products out, and review them for you! 


Note: TATCHA sent me these products to try and review on my blog. I am not associated with the company, nor are they paying me to review their products. As always, my reviews and opinions are 100% my own!

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