Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Gym Bag Must Haves!‏

Hey everyone!
Let’s face it we all wish going to the gym was as easy as putting on spandex and walking out the door. But these days, you need a few more items to make your next gym trip worthy. So, try out my two gym bag must-haves:

Burt’s Bees Cucumber and Sage Facial Cleaning Towelettes ($6, burtsbees.com): Remove dirt, oil and make-up without rinsing. Great to use to refresh when you have to go run errands or go to work after the gym!

Stur Drinks Liquid Water Enhancer (amazon.com): A refreshing and tasty way to stay hydrated available in 5 flavors and perfect for any gym bag. I love to squeeze these in my water after working out!

Note: I received these products to try and feature on my blog. I am not associated with any company mentioned above, nor am I being paid to feature these products. As always, my reviews and opinions are 100% my own! 

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