Thursday, October 9, 2014

Big G Retro Monsters Cereals Campaign‏

Hey everyone!

Monsters Cereals in Special Throwback Packaging, Only Available at Target, are Back!

The Retro Monsters are back! Count Chocula, Boo Berry and Franken Berry cereals are once again hitting the shelves at Target in their retro packaging and they’ve brought Monsters snack items for you to enjoy as well. Try Count Chocula Treats, Boo Berry Fruit Roll-Ups and Franken Berry Fruit Roll-Ups in special retro packaging, found exclusively at Target.

 Perfect for nostalgic cereal fans and Halloween lovers, Monsters cereals and snacks are fun for the whole family. 

Great for breakfast and snack time, try combining melted marshmallow with your favorite Mosters cereal to create your own ghoulishly tasty treats. Looking for an instant Halloween costume! Monsters cereals in special throwback packaging, only available at Target, include a cutout mask for quick dress-ups. Monsters snacks are also perfect as Halloween party munchies and for rewarding trick-or-treaters.

These throwback cereals and treats are absolutely delicious, and fun for the entire family! I know that once I opened up my box of goodies from Platefull Co-Op, my family dug in! One of our favorite items were the fruit roll-ups, and I have a shopping list to go to Target and purchase more!


Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op.

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